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Many Physicians Disregard Guidelines for Helping Preschoolers with ADHD

First a few disclaimers: 1) I’m not rabidly anti-medication; it certainly has it’s uses and I’ve worked with clients to start medications as often as I’ve worked with them to discontinue them. 2) I am neither trained in prescribing medication

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Responsible Procreation & The Gayby Boom

By now you’re probably aware that the defenders of California’s Proposition 8 have argued before the Supreme Court that the law is necessary to support “responsible procreation. In fact, that seems to be their primary justification for Prop 8. You

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Mannequins, Models, & Mental Health

Maybe you’ve seen this photo, currently making the rounds online, of larger-than-usual Swedish mannequins. Call them “plus-size” or “normal,” they’re generating a lot of attention from regular users and bloggers alike. You might wonder, “What’s the big deal? Why do

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